
BitCountry Unveils BitAvatar: A Game-Changing Universal Avatar Identity for the Metaverse

In a paradigm-shifting move within the Web3 space, BitCountry, a Polkadot parachain project, has introduced BitAvatar, a Universal Avatar identity accompanied by a revolutionary NFT-bound wallet known as the Backpack wallet. This groundbreaking development, revealed during the InnoVoy Event hosted by BitCountry, is poised to redefine avatar customization and user experiences across the metaverse.

Revolutionizing Self-Expression

BitAvatar marks a significant departure from traditional approaches to user profiles in the Web3 environment. It introduces a novel fusion of identity and asset management, empowering users to seamlessly oversee their digital assets and reputation across diverse virtual personas. This transformative innovation aligns with BitCountry’s overarching vision of creating an advanced user experience layer atop blockchain technology, enhancing accessibility and comprehension for users.

Strategic Insights

The InnoVoy Event, strategically positioned to reshape the Web3 identity landscape, serves as a precursor to the imminent launch of MNet Continuum. This scaled network integrates a social layer and incorporates features such as BitCountry, BitMeet, and a Developer Portal. Secured by Polkadot, MNet Continuum holds the potential to leave a lasting impact on the Polkadot ecosystem, heralding a new era of innovation in Web3 identity solutions.

Unlocking BitAvatar IDs

During the InnoVoy Event, the first 1,000 users are granted an exclusive opportunity to free-mint their BitAvatar IDs. Subsequent users seeking access to this transformative identity solution require an Invite Code from early adopters. Furthermore, participants in the event who stake DOT tokens stand to benefit, earning additional XP and exclusive NFT wearables based on the quantity of their staked tokens. Owning a BitAvatar ID elevates users to a privileged status within MNet’s ecosystem, augmenting their overall metaverse experiences.

BitCountry’s Future Landscape

BitAvatar’s debut represents more than just a technological advancement; it symbolizes a pivotal moment in the evolution of Web3 identity solutions. As BitCountry paves the way for MNet Continuum, the integration of BitAvatar adds a layer of sophistication to the metaverse, promising users an unparalleled level of control over their virtual presence and assets.


BitCountry’s introduction of BitAvatar and the associated Backpack wallet emerges as a defining moment in the metaverse’s trajectory. As the InnoVoy Event unfolds, early adopters and DOT token stakers are poised to shape the future of Web3 identity, while the impending launch of MNet Continuum holds the promise of ushering in a new era of innovation and interconnected experiences in the realm of decentralized identities.

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