
ConsenSys Joins China’s Blockchain Service Network

ConsenSys, one of the top notch blockchain focused software firms, has collaborated with the Blockchain powered Service Network, a Chinese government aided countrywide blockchain venture.

As portion of the collaboration, ConsenSys’ Ethereum powered distributed ledger covenant ConsenSys Quorum will be made available on the BSN ecosystem.

The covenant will be offered in 80 cities via BSN’s public city nodes throughout mainland China. Charles d’Haussy, director of ConsenSys, stated that ConsenSys Quorum will be offered in all prominent cities and provinces such as Xiong’an, Beijing and Hangzhou, among others.

GoQuorum, an open-source Ethereum client and a segment of ConsenSys’ Quorum, will feature interoperability with networks and covenants on the BSN via the Interchain Communications Hub of BSN.

The Beijing backed blockchain framework will also offer blockchain application suite of ConsenSys, referred to as ConsenSys Codefi, hosting its applications such as Workflow, Orchestrate and Assets on the BSN marketplace.

ConsenSys Quorum will be clubbed with rest of the popular permissioned and public blockchain systems that are compatible with the BSN so that it can be offered to governments and businesses on a commercial scale. The BSN backs top blockchains such as Ethereum, Tezos, EOSIO, Polkadot and many more.

Furthermore, ConsenSys will join hands with the BSN to offer training sessions for the utilization of ConsenSys Quorum in China. Yifan He, BSN Development Association’s executive director, stated that BSN, in its training programs scheduled for this year, will include Quorum in order to “substantially accelerate the enterprise adoption of blockchain technology and Ethereum-based solutions in China.”

Established by Joseph Lubin, co-founder of Ethereum, ConsenSys is one of the world’s largest enterprises developing software products over Ethereum blockchain. By joining the BSN, ConsenSys aims to gain access to a bigger and in-depth market in China. Lubin stated:

“We believe that the different open source blockchain protocols need to interoperate, and with the BSN we are taking a significant step forward in bringing ConsenSys Quorum to many enterprises in China that could benefit from transparent collaborative business networks.”

The BSN is a Chinese government backed blockchain venture, supported by the State Information Center of China, a policy institute managed by the National Development and Reform Commission. Trialed in the final leg of 2019, the BSN has transformed into one of the biggest international enterprise level blockchain environments, with installations of over 2,000 blockchain applications throughout government organizations and enterprises in China until now. This year, the BSN intends to finish the incorporation of 10 permissioned and 20 additional public blockchain covenants.

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