
Freename Partners Web3 Email Provider Ethermail

Freename and Ethermail, a leading Web3 Email Service has announced a strategic partnership. When it comes to web3 and web2 email, Freename domains may now be used with Ethermail, the pioneering email service that pioneered anonymous and encrypted wallet-to-wallet and peer-to-peer communication. This will be useful for the more than 100,000 people who use both Ethermail and Freename. Web3 email addresses issues with traditional email that have hindered its use, including deception attacks, marketing harassment, and a lack of confidentiality.

Since web2 email is still the most popular product with over 4 billion registered mailboxes, Ethermail gives the ability to transmit messages to conventional email utilizing Freename domains. This bridge between web3 and web2 is crucial for both the early adopters of this new technology from the old world and the long-time users of the internet.

Domains using web3 emails are easy to understand in principle. The domain is associated with a wallet on Freename, and subsequently with an Ethermail web3 email account. This means that when an email is sent from one domain to another, the linked wallets from both domains are able to interact with one another. The blockchain provides a significant benefit for wallet-to-wallet communication since it ensures that each message is both anonymous and secure by being permanently recorded on the blockchain (as a smart contract). Members of Ethermail and Freename need to acquire a domain name on Freename and link it to a wallet before they may send and receive email. In Freename’s interface for managing domains, you may turn on this feature with a single click.

In his talk, Davide Vicini said, “Integration with Ethermail is a major step forward for both the web3 and web2 worlds, allowing as many users as possible to communicate quickly and easily through web3 domains.”

Shant Kevonian, CEO of Ethermail, expressed his company’s delight in adding Freename’s domains to their web3 email service. Thanks to this collaboration, we can provide our customers with easy-to-remember aliases while still providing them with the privacy, security, and anonymity they expect from web3 email. By pooling our knowledge and resources, we can spread the word about the advantages of blockchain-based communication to more people, and we’re excited to see where else this partnership may go.

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