
How Vulcan Blockchain’s Auto-Rebasing Mechanism Solves SEC Regulatory Issues

The debut of Vulcan blockchain’s novel auto-rebasing layer 1 blockchain is planned for the second quarter of 2023, according to a recent announcement. The novel blockchain aims to address supply-side problems related to market funding availability and security, as well as regulatory issues that could become a burden for crypto buyers in 2018.

Vulcan Blockchain is the first blockchain with an integrated Auto-Rebasing system that changes the quantity of $VUL (the local currency) once in 15 minutes. The Vulcan Network is also Auto-Compounding, meaning that as a $VUL user, your currency holdings grow with each era. The third innovative functionality is Auto-Staking, which gives users a 44% APR return without requiring them to “stake” their tokens anywhere other than within their personal wallet. The mix of these characteristics and the Vulcan Blockchain’s dedication to openness makes it the perfect medium for DeFi apps.

The newest auto-rebasing function is intended to permit the blockchain to automatically correct its balance by adjusting the moving quantity of native Vulcan blockchain $VUL coins every 15 minutes. Such a system is an invention in the long-term preservation of currency price equilibrium and is indispensable for giving openness.

The distribution of the auto-rebasing function follows reports that the Securities and Exchange Commission intends to prohibit bitcoin holding. This problem is resolved by Vulcan Blockchain’s implementation of the auto-staking function within the protocol architecture, allowing investors to depend on the novel technology to evade any possible restrictions and continue collecting staking returns.

The SEC’s increased interest in mining is attributable to the high returns generated by such coin ventures. Nevertheless, the auto-staking function will offer a safe method of gaining on staking regardless of any possible laws or penalties, making it a perfect option for investors who wish to continue to capitalize on the enormous capability of inactive earnings from crypto and DeFi.

The Vulcan blockchain is the initial network with an integrated auto-rebasing system and auto-compounding function. The latter enables users of $VUL coins to grow their asset possession with every network cycle.

By building network activities on an explicitly defined set of guidelines and circumstances, the auto-rebasing function is also intended to improve the network’s overall dependability and consistency. Thus, investors will have a better grasp of venture economics and will be able to prepare for asset management in preparation, rendering the initiative more appealing in the highly fluctuating and uncertain blockchain environment.

Both auto-rebasing and auto-compounding will be maintained using Vulcan’s distinctive ‘Fire Pit’ combustion process, which applies a zero address. The system anticipates the irreversible destruction of a maximum of 80% of all transaction costs, thereby decreasing the moving supply. By applying the specified metric to the $VUL currency, it will become a highly depreciating commodity and thus an inflation-hedged source of valuation.

The core team developing the Vulcan blockchain, led by the Australian inventor Bryan Legend, is optimistic that the system will add benefit to the blockchain industry in its entirety and be appealing to investors.

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