
Layer 1 Blockchain Flare Integrates its API Portal with Google Cloud Marketplace

Layer-1 Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) Compatible blockchain platform Flare has integrated its API Portal with the Google Cloud Marketplace. Specifically, Flare has made its maiden blockchain APIs available. According to the blog post, developers may utilize Google Cloud Marketplace to access blockchain data from Flare’s nodes and linked nodes for fundamental blockchain transactions.

This important advancement entails the inclusion of blockchain APIs for Google Cloud’s Cloud Marketplace for Bitcoin, Ethereum, Songbird, Algorand, Dogecoin, Litecoin, Flare, and XRP as well as Binance’s BNB Smart Chain, Dogecoin, Litecoin, and XRP. Wonderful news! Programmers may now design apps that carry out transactions and access on-chain data without maintaining their own nodes for each blockchain.

Because it is so simple for any Google Cloud user to access all of Flare’s current APIs using their existing Google Cloud account, Flare’s integration with the Google Cloud Marketplace is a game-changer. A customer’s Google Cloud expenditure limit may be reduced if they acquire Flare APIs from the Google Cloud Marketplace.

Developers will have access to the 100 biggest chains when Google Cloud finally integrates all of the blockchains linked by Flare’s data and interoperability architecture. It is believed that this alluring alliance would transform the sector and open up new prospects for blockchain innovators.

The lower accessibility of well-known blockchain APIs on platforms like Google Cloud Marketplace lowers the hurdles to Web3 participation, according to Josh Edwards, vice president of engineering at Flare. It enables developers to more easily test the numerous applications of blockchain technology without having to pay exorbitant hardware costs or continuous maintenance costs.

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