
Nim Network Launches Genesis Rolldrop for AI Gaming Enthusiasts

nim blockchain genesis rolldrop

Nim Network, an emerging blockchain platform focusing on AI gaming, initiates its Genesis Rolldrop, offering eligible users the opportunity to claim a portion of the NIM token supply. A notable 9% of the total NIM token supply is allocated for this airdrop, signifying a significant milestone for the project.

Allocation of Tokens

Out of the 90 million NIM tokens reserved for the airdrop, 50 million tokens are earmarked for Dymension (DYM) stakers. Nim Network marks the first ‘RollApp’ to debut on Dymension, a modular blockchain platform built on Cosmos.

Claiming Process for Eligible Users

Eligible users are invited to claim their tokens through the designated platform. Once the chain goes live, users can expect the tokens to reflect in their wallets, mirroring the distribution mechanism observed in previous Celestia and Dymension airdrops.

Token Allocation Strategy

Nim Network has strategically allocated NIM tokens to various gaming communities, including Parallel, Pirate Nation, AI Arena, and TODAY The Game. Additionally, NFT communities such as Pudgy Penguins, 9dcc, and WolvesDAO, along with early adopters of infrastructure and public funding projects like Ocean, Olas Network, and Gitcoin, are included in the distribution plan.

Role of RollApps in Dymension

RollApps represent modular blockchains specifically designed to operate within the Dymension Hub ecosystem. These platforms offer the benefits of rollups while ensuring efficiency and scalability in user experience. Leveraging Dymension, RollApps gain access to enhanced security, liquidity, and connectivity, facilitating a seamless multi-app usage experience for users.


The launch of the Genesis Rolldrop by Nim Network marks a significant step forward in the realm of AI gaming blockchain platforms. With its innovative approach and strategic partnerships within the gaming and NFT communities, Nim Network is poised to redefine the landscape of AI-driven gaming experiences. Through its integration with Dymension Hub, Nim Network aims to offer users a seamless and rewarding gaming ecosystem, promising enhanced security, liquidity, and scalability for all stakeholders involved.

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