
Nimbus Unveils Blockchain Based Financial Derivative Product

The Nimbus Platform IO, headquartered in Bahrain’s capital city of Manama, has released version 2.0 of their n-NFT structured financial derivative product. Smart Staker n-NFT is the new name for the updated version of n-NFT inside the Nimbus Platform’s ecosystem of decentralized applications and tools.

It was not until late December of 2021 that the first Nimbus n-NFT was successfully launched. Structured financial derivatives based on digital assets are new to the field of Decentralized Finance (DeFi), but the n-NFTs on the Nimbus Platform are the first of their kind.

The Smart-Staker n-NFT is a portfolio-improving instrument that generates yield, protects against price swings, and provides structural diversity thanks to the fact that the income comes from four separate Dapps activities.

Prior to the release of Smart Staker n-NFT, Nimbus released Smart LP n-NFT, which is designed for lending, liquidity provision, and LP staking through the Platform’s dApps and other tools. To make things easier for the user and cater to their demands, the second generation of n-NFT was developed.

The Smart Staker n-NFT incorporates a yield-generating system that enables holders to earn incentives from the finest Staking alternatives. The Smart Staker n-NFT necessitates a minimum investment of 1 BNB or 200 BUSD.

The underlying assets are immediately tied to the Smart Staker once the NFT is created, delivering them to two income streams: Soft Staking and CAKE-BNB LP Staking. The following benefits will accrue to the user:

The benefits created by the Smart Staker accumulate in real-time and are withdrawable at any moment, even if the NFT stays unvested for thirty days. The P2P decentralized application (dApp) of the Nimbus Platform enables the trading of n-NFTs, a novel and first-of-its-kind financial instrument that allows risk mitigation, offers optimum return, and does not incur additional gas expenses.

The launch of n-NFTs boosts the value of native governance tokens (NBU and GNBU) for holders of those tokens. The native tokens of the Platform become more stable as liquidity increases.

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