
RIF Labs Acquires RSK, Brainchild Of BTC Programmer Sergio Lerner

In two isolated blog posts, Bitcoin-based smart contract covenant Rootstock (RSK) and spin-off venture RIF OS affirmed that both parties are joining to grow the former’s scope of operations.

As portion of the agreement, RIF Labs, the structure behind off-chain framework layer RIF OS, will obtain RSK’s partner RSK Labs. RIF began as a side venture from the same administrators who held senior positions at RSK.

They arrange together to empower the RSK covenant to go past the assistance of the Bitcoin and Ethereum systems and to incorporate different P2P capacities.

“The three principal components to the RIF OS announcement include the integration of RIF Labs and RSK Labs, the publication of RIF OS Protocols and the launch of the first implementation of the RIF Directory Protocol (the Name Services component of RIF OS).”

RIF’s post elaborates as follows:

“RIF Labs has signed an agreement to acquire RSK Labs. With this acquisition, RIF Labs will take on the development and community support of both the RSK Smart Contract Network and RIF OS Protocols.”

The company depicted the most recent advancements as a tremendous breakthrough in the integration of the RIF OS and said that it would offer assistance “quicken the adoption of open source blockchain innovation universally.”

Rootstock, Bitcoin Core programmer Sergio Lerner’s brainchild, saw several years of advancement before its initial mainnet launch in January 2018.

In a 2016 blog post, Blockchain engineer Albert Szmigielski sai “Essentially Rootstock aims to be what Ethereum is, a decentralized, Turing-complete smart contract platform. However, Rootstock aims to utilize the Bitcoin ecosystem rather than creating a new one from scratch.”

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