
Samsung SDS Unveils Nexledger, a Blockchain Accelerator

Samsung SDS, the IT division of South Korean firm Samsung said that it has built own blockchain accelerator technology which can work in cohesion with IBM‘s enterprise level open source platform. Samsung SDS unveiled the blockchain accelerator during the IBM Think conference held in San Francisco.

Dubbed Nexledger Accelerator, the blockchain accelerator has the capability to improve the role of Hyperledger Fabric, which is enterprise level blockchain platform hosted by Linux foundation and backed by IBM.

Nexledger, a blockchain platform created to establish a consolidated solution to businesses, intends to minimize costs while administering exchange of data and financial transactions electronically.

“In order to improve transaction processing speed, which is a key consideration in applying blockchain technology, Samsung SDS has developed its own Nexledger Accelerator, which can be applied to Hyperledger Fabric,” Samsung SDS stated that it will distribute Nexledger Accelerator’s technology road map and testing kit through GitHub, one of the popular portals used by software developers for storing and sharing code.

Samsung SDS believes that it will allow easy access to external developers. Through the press release, Samsung SDS said “Samsung SDS tested the Nexledger Accelerator in Hyperledger Fabric last December and found that the transaction processing speed was significantly improved.”

Samsung SDS also stated that it will widen its partnership with tech giant IBM in blockchain technology development. SDS also revealed that it would join the IBM Blockchain Platform Board.
Github, an exclusive repository offering testing tools for developers, is expected to advance the Accelerator technology through a scheme named “Innovation Sandbox.”

Samsung SDS further said “The intent is to enable blockchain developers to run it to see how many performance benefits they can expect in reproducible ways.”

Nexledger was first introduced by Samsung in April 2017. In 2018, Samsung SDS posted 13.30 trillion won ($11.80 billion) in sales. It was the first South Korean company to exceed 10 trillion won level.

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