
Sunflower Land Adds Sunflower Isles to the Metaverse

Once land extension comes, players may begin exploring parts of the Sunflower Land Metaverse other than their fields and the goblin town. Eventually, players of the renowned agricultural simulation blockchain videogame Sunflower Land will be able to engage with a metaverse far larger than their farm.

By revealing a depiction of the metaverse in a tweet on September 16, a land extension in Sunflower Land was hinted. The functionality has been repeatedly touted since the game’s beta release. The creators planned to deliver the encounters gradually depending on real-time community information. The present variation of the game only grants access to Sunflower Land and Goblin Village, but once land extension arrives, players will indeed be able to study the other islands.

In a Twitch video, CEO Adam Hannigan said, “This is the route the game is headed, and a number of new gameplay aspects will be added.” “[Sunflower Isles] is a land extension game in which players begin with a single island that may be enlarged to uncover additional resources and structures.”

The development team provided an update on Sunflower Isles, the aspect that would facilitate land growth. The programmers have accomplished NFT land creation, extension and customization, building construction and placement of uncommon items, and arbitrary resource production. They are now working on more structures and materials, decorations, and leveled fenced islands.
Sunflower Land is presently at battle and has been regularly providing new elements to its ecology, such as the capacity to make a cake. The company also revealed that they are embarking on a dynamic profile image NFT initiative that will be integrated throughout the game.

“Once the conflict is over and land development commences, gamers will be free to study the Sunflower Isles,” Hannigan informed BSCNews. “You may extend your land indefinitely and study nearby islands. Fundamentally, this terrain is a teaser of the forthcoming Sunflower Metaverse. As a team’s Bumpkin grows and levels up, there will be additional material and regions to study.”

Sunflower land is a blockchain-based agricultural simulation game developed on the Polygon platform. It is a metaverse that replicates real-world economic concepts of supply and demand, with a gaming feature that gradually makes resources scarcer. Moreover, it is a community-developed venture in which any object in the game may be possessed on the Polygon chain, allowing players to amass valuable NFTs and sell them on platforms such as OpenSea.

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