
Surge in Nxt, Ardor Nodes After Launch of New Incentive Program

The Nxt (NXT) and Ardor (ARDR) blockchains have recorded a sharp increase in the number of network nodes after launching incentives program. Jerulidia, which has developed both blockchains, has stated that both networks saw a phenomenal rise in the number of nodes after the company unveiled a node rewards program on April Fool’s Day.

Hosters of node are compensated by the node reward program with payment in the form of Ignis (IGNIS) tokens.

Jerulidia aims to disburse 10,000 tokens (roughly worth $212) per day among node hosters every day for the forthcoming six months.

As per the data provided, there was more than 200% increase in the node count of Ardor blockchain, from 241 to 708. Similarly, node count of Nxt’s blockchain rose by 315% from 159 to 659.

Archival node count also increased considerably. In case of Nxt, archival node count skyrocketed 2311% to 410, from 17. Ardor’s archival node count, in the meanwhile, surged 1110% to 461, from 38.

Lior Yaffe, Jerulidia co-founder and director, stated that the outcome had surpassed the company’s anticipations and would have a beneficial effect on the network’s robustness:

“For a public blockchain protocol having a strong network of nodes using many different hardware brands, operating systems, cloud providers and geographies is especially important to make the network more resilient to attack, manipulation or technical failure.”

Yaffe also highlighted that the company overhauled Nxt to permit full-nodes to function on mobile phones.

He stated that he was gratified with structure of the program because it offers attractive incentives to even people without huge cryptocurrency holdings, which is normally not the case with other staking programs where only holders possessing large amount of tokens are rewarded.

Even though nodes play an import part in blockchain framework, it is often given less importance.

Nodes facilitate direct access to blockchain and offer better anonymity and safety when utilized for one’s own dealings. Usually, node hosting is not compensated adequately.

Due to this, it is absolutely necessary for cryptocurrency companies to start operating a node in a cost effective manner.

In case of Bitcoin, a person can run a node using a tiny Raspberry Pi, costing around $35 and can be held in hand.

Last October, HTC also unveiled a smart phone capable of running a complete Bitcoin node.

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