
Triathon Unveils Web3 Security Solution DeepFuzz

DeepFuzz is a tool for evaluating the security of smart contracts that can spot technical issues from a variety of angles. It was launched by Triathon, a blockchain security business. The software’s objective is to assist blockchain developers in finding and fixing any security flaws early on, thereby improving Web3 security.

The tool’s objective is to simulate various situations and inputs in order to evaluate smart contracts. By evaluating the scalability and performance of the contracts in managing massive volumes of data and transactions, any problems or vulnerabilities may be found. DeepFuzz reduces the technical needs of the testing environment in comparison to other testing programs that require a high level of technical skill.

During the testing process, Triathon DeepFuzz will add potential flaws and security advice to the testing record. The efficiency of security testing and solutions may be increased by monitoring and evaluating test results.

Users may export thorough testing results and reports following security testing, giving them the ability to handle security concerns on an individual basis. Utilizing Triathon DeepFuzz, which has a lower cost than other commercial testing products, makes specialized smart contract security testing more accessible.

According to NoneAge Technology’s figures, there were 306 security incidents worldwide in 2022, which cost $10.1 billion in total. In comparison to 2021, there was a 26% increase in the number of Web3 security incidents in 2022, with 64 new incidents being reported.

In order to close the technical gap in the Web3 business, DeepFuzz’s major objective is to improve Web3 security by offering specialized and intelligent testing and auditing of smart contracts. Triathon intends to expand the DeepFuzz system’s security detection capabilities, improve the Web3 ecosystem, and collaborate with blockchain project teams and community members.

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