
VeriSmart.AI: Transforming Data Commerce through Blockchain Innovation

In the dynamic landscape of data commerce, VeriSmart.AI, a blockchain-based ad-tech platform founded by Saurabh Gupta, a seasoned entrepreneur, is carving out its unique space. Gupta, with over a decade of startup experience, launched VeriSmart.AI in 2017 with the ambitious goal of democratizing data commerce and intelligence while prioritizing user privacy.

 Building a Collaborative Data Intelligence Ecosystem

Since its establishment, VeriSmart.AI has attracted 34 enterprises as data contributors and serves over 90 brands as data consumers. Gupta’s innovative strategy fosters a data intelligence ecosystem that encourages collaboration among businesses, eliminating the need for traditional data sharing methods.

 Resilience Amidst Financial Challenges

Despite facing a 30% drop in revenue in 2023, VeriSmart.AI has displayed remarkable resilience. The startup not only scaled its data contributor base from 67 million users to an impressive 520 million in the same year but also maintained a positive EBITDA and profitability for the last three consecutive years.

 Vision Beyond VeriSmart.AI

Gupta’s vision extends beyond the success of VeriSmart.AI. Actively contributing to both government and non-government platforms in the realms of blockchain, AI, and data privacy, Gupta is also an investor in seven other startups. His commitment to nurturing a cumulative data intelligence ecosystem is fueled by the incorporation of indigenous data protocols and a robust blockchain framework.

 Pioneering a New Path in Data Commerce

In conclusion, VeriSmart.AI, despite grappling with revenue challenges, emerges as a trailblazer in the realm of data commerce through its innovative blockchain-based platform. As the startup continues expanding its user base and introducing inventive data protocols, it sets a new benchmark for how enterprises engage with and derive value from data. The journey of VeriSmart.AI reflects not only resilience but also a strategic vision that positions it as a transformative force in the evolving landscape of data commerce.

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