
Web3 Foundation, edX Partner To Promote Blockchain Education

The Web3 Foundation and edX, the top online learning platform from 2U, Inc., have cooperated to build Web3X, a platform that will provide users with a strong foundation in blockchain technology and the Polkadot platform. This four-part course begins with an introduction to blockchain technology before narrowing its emphasis to the Polkadot blockchain in particular. Users will learn about the Substrate SDK and the Rust programming language in subsequent sessions.

This beginning course, “Introduction to Blockchain and Web3,” is intended for individuals with diverse educational and professional experiences. It contains background information on blockchain technology, Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Web3 as well as definitions of key concepts. As a first step, it imparts the essential basic knowledge and develops the skills required to comprehend and experiment with emerging blockchain and Web3 technologies. The report then investigates the technology that makes blockchains feasible.

The second course, titled “Introduction to Polkadot,” is a comprehensive examination of the platform and its constituent parts. It contains various hands-on exercises to familiarize students with the required terminology and teach them how to explore the Polkadot network. Later, they investigate Polkadot’s networking features and the shared security, interoperability, cryptography, and consensus concepts in further depth. Activities. The course was created by the Technical Education section of the Web3 Foundation.

Ten years ago, edX’s website,, offered tens of millions of students free online access to high-quality courses taught by teachers from some of the world’s greatest colleges and institutions. The cooperation with Web3 Foundation aims to expand students’ learning and development opportunities in high-demand areas such as blockchain. The two groups intend to expand the breadth of their training program in the future.

The CEO of Web3 Foundation, Bertrand Perez, said, “Part of this continuing effort is to start collaborations with experienced educators, and we are certain that edX has the necessary characteristics to develop a meaningful long-term relationship with Web3 Foundation.”

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