
Only 1% Of Pornhub Subscribers Use Crypto For Payments

Pornhub has released a rather discouraging illustration for the number of clients utilizing its recently introduced crypto payments facilities. The Next Web has reported that the online porn video portal disclosed via an email that less than 1% of transactions on the platform are performed using cryptocurrencies.

On average, Pornhub had 81 million visitors per day in 2018, according to unverified figures, which tallies up to approximately 28.5 billion. Therefore, less than 1% is perhaps still a not-so-tiny number.

However, the company doesn’t reveal the percentage of visitors that truly subscribe to the paid premium package, as TNW points out. Despite the small figure, the company is remaining optimistic on the prospective of the tech, explaining to the media outlet:

“That being said, we expect to see widespread adoption of crypto and blockchain on our site in the near future.”

Pornhub initially revealed its intention to accept cryptocurrency payments back in April, when it clinched an agreement with verge to utilize its token. At that time, the adult content provider said verge was an obvious choice due to the cryptocurrency’s huge consumer base and an online campaign on forums and social media platforms for accepting the token.

Appealing to the confidentiality concerns of its clients, Pornhub then went ahead to recognize two more cryptocurrencies, TRON and ZenCash (now called Horizen), as payment.

Corey Price, vice president of Pornhub, said “Here at Pornhub, it’s important that we cater to our users’ ever-changing payment preferences and, as such, that means accepting cryptocurrencies as a payment method, which provide users with anonymity and security.”

Earlier in August, Pornhub signed an agreement with PumaPay, a crypto payments firm, to integrate with the service, albeit the facility is yet to turn active.

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