Seed - The term seed refers to a private key that is used when someone has chosen to make use of a deterministic wallet and it is a string of numbers and letters that gives access to their digital assets.
Scrypt - This is quite a good Proof of Work protocol and is simply a mining algorithm that has been used by Litecoin, Dogecoin and quite a number of other recently launched cryptocurrencies.
Genesis Block - The very first block that is used in a blockchain is known as the Genesis Block, and it doesn’t matter which cryptocurrency you have used they will all have had a Genesis Block.
Cryptocurrency - You may be wondering what exactly a cryptocurrency is and it is simply any form of digital or virtual currency that uses the cryptography protocol for security.
Consensus - When a Consensus is achieved it simply means that everyone involved in the confirmation and validity of a transaction has agreed on them being valid and true transactions.
Confirmation - When any cryptocurrency transaction has been preformed such as buying or selling them then it each transaction needs to be verified and this term is known as the confirmation.
Block Reward - When anyone or group of people are mining for Bitcoin the Bitcoin Reward is the reward in Bitcoin they are given when they find a working hash to complete the next block.
Block Height - The Block Height simply refers to the number of completed blocks that have been constructed on a blockchain over any period of time which could be a large number of them.
Blockchain - The entire backbone of the Bitcoin cryptocurrency network depends on the blockchain which is a full and secure ledger that records all transactions as they are processed and confirmed.
Block - You will often come across the term Block and it simply refers to the digital files that relate to any cryptocurrency network are stored, which confirms each transaction in a sort of ledger.
Bitcoin Network - The way in which Bitcoin is distributed, sent and received is on something known as a Blockchain, and that network lets people send peer to peer transactions of that digital currency.
Bitcoin Protocol - The Bitcoin Protocol is the way and rules in which Bitcoin runs on the network and it the cryptographic protocol on which it operates and is distributed throughout the blockchain.
Buying and Selling
Quantitative Easing - When any Central Bank makes money out of fresh air and increases the money supply artificially that is known as quantitative easing which often leads to a devaluing of it.
Pump and Dump - This is the name given when people buy a cryptocurrency to manipulate and increase its value and as other people buy into it they will then sell it and cash out their profits.
Price Bubble - When any asset or commodity including any digital currency has a price that has grown so large it is unsustainable over the long term that is known as a price bubble.
Private Key - A private key is simply a long string of numbers and letter that allows a cryptocurrency to be sent and as such it is a type of password that needs to be remembered stored securely
Network Effect - When a cryptocurrency becomes well know and is then made available on many different exchanges the value of them can increase and when they do so that is the Network Effect.
Money Laundering - Due to the way that the blockchain works and as moving digital currencies around can be anonymous many people are doing so as a way of money laundering ill-gotten gains.
Paper Wallet - To ensure that any digital currencies you own are not going to be kept where they could be hacked such as on your computer you should use a paper wallet instead.
Mobile Wallet - Whilst many people do like to keep their digital currency wallet stored on their computers or laptops you can of course also store then on a mobile device via a mobile wallet.
MEW - To be able to store you digital currencies you are of course going to need to have a digital currency wallet and one of them that you can download and use is the MEW or My Ether Wallet.
Ledger Nano S - There are lots of different ways that a cryptocurrency user or investor can hold their digital currencies and one way is by using a hardware wallet with Ledger Nano S being a popular one.
Hardware Wallet - In regards to storing your digital currencies you must use the maximum security and one way you will achieve that is by using something known as a Hardware Wallet.
Frictionless - If you do intend to buy or sell digital currencies then you should be on the lookout for those that are frictionless as that means it is one on which there are no limits or transaction costs.
Exchange - An Exchange is a platform that allows people to both buy and sell digital currencies and you can buy them with a range of fiat and digital currencies and use different payment methods.
Deterministic Wallet - You are going to be able to store multiple different keys with a single seed when using a Deterministic Wallet, they allow the creation of public address without a private key.
Desktop Wallet - Many people who do use or even invest in cryptocurrencies use something that is known as a Desktop Wallet which is a digital wallet that is downloaded onto their computer.
Bearish - If you hear the term Bearish being used to describe a digital currency then that means the value of any cryptocurrency and digital currency is expected to decrease in value sooner rather than later.
Bullish - The term Bullish is one that you will hear being given to any market place including cryptocurrencies that are expected to see an increase in their values and prices very soon.
Bull Market - You will often find that many cryptocurrencies are described as being on a Bear Market and that means that one or more than one of them are seeing upward curves in their values.
Bollinger Bands - Volatility in regards to the value of any digital and cryptocurrencies is something you will have to get used to and Bollinger Bands are simply historic data of those volatilities.
Bit - This is the unit at which cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin are expressed and divided up into and being binary you will find that it is expressed as either a 1 or a 0, 1,000,000 bits equals on Bitcoin.
All Time High - When any cryptocurrency reaches a value that it has never achieved before then it is described as being at an all time high, which is something that happen very regularly by the way!
Cryptocurrency Terms
Silk Road - This as an online website that allowed people to both buy and sell all manner of illegal substances and things using Bitcoin is was however closed down back in October 2013 by the FBI.
Scamcoin - This is the name that refers to some form of get rich quick scheme and a scam that is designed by piggy backing so to speak on another digital currency by launching a token of it.
Satoshi Nakamoto - This is the name of the person who invented Bitcoin, and not a lot is known about him or her or whether it is in fact a company or organisation or even a government agency!
Satoshi - As you will find out when you start to use digital currencies such as Bitcoin, they are split up into different units and the smallest unit of Bitcoin you can have is one Satoshi 0.00000001BTC.
P2P - When any two people perform a transaction that is simply known as a peer to peer or p2p transaction, and as such that is the basis of the entire cryptocurrency trading environment.
mBTC - As mentioned above you can have much smaller units of most digital currencies and when you come across the term mBTC that refers to a one thousandth of a single Bitcoin unit, 0.001BTC.
Litecoin - There are many Altcoins are they are known which have been designed to be alternatives to Bitcoin and Litecoin was on that was launched by Bobby Lee to be a credible alternative.
Frontier - This was the first stage of the Ethereum roadmap, there were four stages on that roadmap and they are known in the correct order as Frontier, Homestead, Metropolis and Serenity.
Darksend - There are many different protocols in place in regards to all cryptocurrencies and when you hear Darksend being discussed it refers to the Darkcoin decentralized mixing implementation.
BTC - When you come across the term BTC that is simply the symbol that is used to indentify for one single unit of the Bitcoin currency and it is also its ticket symbols used on digital currency exchanges.
Bitcoin - The very first cryptocurrency to go live and to go into general circulation so to speak was the Bitcoin cryptocurrency and for reference that cryptocurrency went live back in 2009.
Altcoin - As the number of cryptocurrencies have increased quite dramatically those that are not the original one, that being Bitcoin, are simply referred to as Altcoins meaning alternative coins.
Micro Transaction - As many cryptocurrencies can be split up into tiny units if you perform something known as a micro transaction then you are simply buying or selling a small unit.
Mooning - When any digital currency increases in value at a rapid rate of knots, which is something many of them do at one stage or another that occurrence is known as a cryptocurrency mooning.
Market Cap - The market cap or market capital of any cryptocurrency is the total value of them that are held, the value and the supply of coins are multiplied together to give you the total market cap.
Margin Trading - There are some very high risk digital currency trading strategies you can adopt and margin trading is when you magnify the intensity of your trade by risking all of your coin holdings.
Market Sell - When you sell a cryptocurrency you will need to visit a digital currency exchange and sell the units of that currency you want to sell, a market sell is when you sell at the current value.
Market Buy - A market buy is simply a type of market order as described above and one on which you will be buying a digital currency or digital asset at the current market value of those assets.
Market Order - By instructing an exchange to make a Market Order you are giving it permission to buy or sell on your behalf a certain amount of any digital currency at the current market price.
Limit Sell - If you wish to sell a digital currency but want to ensure that you are guaranteed to get a certain price for any holdings you have chosen to sell then you place a limit sell type of order.
Limit Buy - A limit buy is when you want to buy a digital currency but you are only prepared to do so when it reaches a value that you are prepared to pay for it, so the order is processed when it do so.
Limit Order - When a digital currency user places something known as a limit order they are simply placing an order to buy or even sell a digital currency when it reaches a certain levels of value.
Liquidity Swap - When someone takes part in a liquidity swap what they are doing is borrowing an off other people to allow them to trade in this case cryptocurrency values on an exchange.
Liquidity - The liquidity of any asset whether a cryptocurrency or not will always have its value determined ultimately by supply and demand and the liquidity (meaning availability) of that asset.
Leverage - Many investors in digital currencies are going to use borrowed funds and capital to invest in to give them a potentially much larger return on the cryptocurrency investments that they make.
Inputs - The inputs are simply any previously made transactions, and as such if you have a digital wallet for example the inputs are going to be all of the transactions made via that digital wallet.
ICO - When a new cryptocurrency goes on sale pre-launch that is known as an initial coin offering which is what ICO stands for, and often a bonus amount of those coins or tokens are offered.
Inflation - Inflation refers to the price of all manner of different goods that are available for sale in any economy and means those prices are going up as opposed to going down.
ETF - The is the term used to described an Exchange Traded Fund which are simply a type of trade that is placed and tracks the value of an asset or commodity placed to hopefully return a profit.
Escrow - When funds are put into Escrow they are kept by a third party until such a time that both sides of any trade or transaction confirm the transaction or trade has been preformed.
Demurrage - This is the name given to any currency that penalises its users when they try and hoard or save them and the fees and charge for doing so can often increase dramatically over time too.
Deflation - If you come across the term Deflation then it refers to the price of goods in any economy, as is an indication that those goods are becoming much lower in value.
Zero Confirmation Transaction - This is what is referred to when a Bitcoin transaction has been sent to the nodes on the Bitcoin network but it has not yet been set into a block and is unconfirmed.
Zerocoin - The Zerocoin project is one that has been set up with the sole aim of implementing complete and total anonymity in regards to anyone who is using the entire Bitcoin network
Wire Transfer - One way that you are going to be able to pay for your digital currencies at a digital currency exchange is by a wire transfer which is a payment sent from one bank to another.
Volatility - You are going to always hear the word volatility in the cryptocurrency environment and it is simply the term given to the upwards and downwards swings in the value of any cryptocurrency.
Venture Capitalist - This can be a company, organisation or even an individual who is prepared to back any new company or business with their own funds and provide the seed funding for them.
Velocity of Money - When digital currencies are bought and sold and used to pay for goods and services the speed at which those transactions are processed is known as the velocity of money.
Transaction Fee - There is going to be a transaction fee to be paid when you perform digital currency transactions and that is given to miners to help the pay for their time and effort.
Speculator - When you are an investor who is trying to make money on the volatility of any digital currencies then you are simply known as a spectator and will make investments in any of them.
Smart Contract - This is a term that can also go by the name of Self Executing Contract and it is simply an instruction given to facilitate any type of transaction automatically by a digital currency.
Self Executing Contract - This is a term that can also go by the name of Smart Contracts that are simply an instruction given to facilitate any type of transaction automatically by a digital currency.
Remittance - The amount of money you send into an exchange for example to get it turned into a different digital currency is called the remittance and is of course any amount you wish to send.
Going short - If you place a trade on the value of a cryptocurrency then if you choose to Go Short what you will hoping happens is that the price of the one you choose decreases in value.
Going Long - If you place a trade on the value of a cryptocurrency then if you choose to Go Long what you will hoping happens is that the price of the one you choose increases in value.
Gas Price - When using for example the Ethereum cryptocurrency each transaction will have its own Gas Price which as you have found out above is the cost of processing such a transaction.
Faucet - There are a handful of websites that you can visit online that offer visitors free digital currencies simply to anyone who visits those websites and those are collective known as Faucets.
FUDster - As you have just found out above, you now know what FUD is and if you are someone who does spout such nonsense about cryptocurrencies then you are known as being a FUDster!
FUD - When people want the price of any cryptocurrency to drop they will then start to spout all manner of nonsense about it, and that is known as FUD, meaning Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt.
Bear Market - This term refers to any type of trading market that is currently experiencing a downward curve in regards to its value, usually as an effect of a Bear Trap as mentioned above.
Bear Trap - You will never want to fall into a Bear Trap for it is a commodity or stock or even a cryptocurrency or digital asset that has had its value manipulated to lure in investors.
Arbitrage - In regards to what Arbitrage is, is it simply a way of trading or betting on every possible outcome of a traded asset in such a way that no matter what happens you will make a profit.
Angel Investor - There are numerous Angel Investors who are simply people who are prepared to step in and help people finance any start up business in exchange of a share of the company.
Transaction Block - This is simply the name that is given to a group of different transactions that have been grouped together and hashed on the Bitcoin network and added to the blockchain.
Total Coin Supply - Some cryptocurrencies for example those that cannot be mined will have a set number of them in existence and that total number of coins is known as the total coins supply.
Timestamp - The Timestamp is very handy for it is a digital time stamp that is going to allow you to prove that something existed at any certain time and has not been added at a later date.
Testnet - When someone is designing and thinking about launching their own digital coin or token they are able to connect to the Testnet which is simply a no cost risk free type of blockchain.
TCP/IP - This term means Transmission Control Protocol Internet Protocol and it is the protocol that is required to be used for anyone who wishes to connect to the internet using any type of device.
Taint - It is possible that you are going to be able to track the history of any coin on any blockchain and the term Taint refers to the correlation between two digital address used to track such a coin.
Soft Fork - When a digital currency has been subject to a soft fork that simply manes a very version of it has been designed and has come into operator which can occasionally happen with new ones.
Stale Block - When you hear the term Stale Bloc that is simply a block that has been solved already by a miner who has claimed the reward for solving it so a reward cannot now be claimed on it.
Signature - The signature is simply a mathematical operation which is going to allow anyone to prove that they have ownership or someone else has ownership of digital currencies in their wallet.
Sidechain - This is the name given to two theoretical and two completely independent blockchains which have been two-way pegged to the Bitcoin blockchain and can have their own unique features
Segwit - This term simply means Segregated Witness and it is a huge improvement in regards to the way that the Bitcoin digital currency is going to handle all of the transactions within in block.
Pre-Mining - Before any newly launched cryptocurrency goes on sale to the general public the organisations behind them will often pre-mine a set number of coins to get it off the ground.
Peercoin - Peercoin has been recognised as being the very first cryptocurrency that had fully implemented something known as a Proof f Stake alongside Proof of Work protocol.
Orphaned Block - When a valid block has been discarded by a blockchain due to it becoming a fork of that blockchain due to two miners simultaneously mining it, it is given the name orphaned block.
Nonce - The term Nonce when used in regards to digital currency simply means a random number that is only ever used once when a miner is aiming to then complete the hash a transaction block.
Node - A Node is simply a computer that has been connected up to a cryptocurrency network and by doing so it is then going to be used to help verify the accuracy of a blockchain.
Multisig - When you hear the term Multisig it simple refers to the way that more than one signature is required to approve and then verify any cryptocurrency transaction that have been made.
Minting - As soon as any new proof of stake coins are mined then those miners who have discovered those new coins are going to be rewarded with their efforts which is known as minting.
Mining Contract - There are many ways that you can invest in digital currencies and one way is by you taking out a mining contract, investing in the hardware required to mine for cryptocurrencies.
Mining Pool - To boost and increase their chances of successes many miners of digital currencies are going to pool their efforts together and when they do so that is a known as a mining pool.
Miner - This is the name given to someone or a computer that is participating in any cryptocurrency network by performing proof of work and it is usually done to receive block rewards as they do so.
Mining Algorithm - This term refers to the algorithm that is always used by a cryptocurrency to sign transactions, but be aware they can and do vary and change in regards to each cryptocurrency.
Merged Mining - Not all miners have their time and effort concentrated on mining one single cryptocurrency and as such you will find some that mine for many known as merged mining.
Mining Rig - There are many companies and people who mine for digital currencies and to be able to do so effectively they need to have one or usually more powerful computers known as a rig.
Mining - When you set about mining for a cryptocurrency you are hoping that you solve the next mathematical equation in the block and if you do you are rewarded with a set number of coins.
Hash Rate - The Hash Rate is the name that is given to the amount of processing power that the whole of the Bitcoin network or any other cryptocurrency networks needs to operate.
Hash - The Hash is simply a mathematical process that is going to convert any amount of inputted data into a fixed length string of characters, in cryptocurrencies that is often 23 characters.
Halving - When someone successfully mines for Bitcoin they were originally rewarded for doing so with 50 Bitcoin when they mine a Bitcoin Block, each four years that amount halves in value.
GPU - If you come across the acronym GPU then that simply means graphics processing unit and they can be used to mine for cryptocurrencies much faster than a standard computers CPU.
Difficulty - A certain amount of computing power is of course required to solve the hash of any block and Difficulty refers to the amount of computing power that is required to solve the hash of a block.
ASIC Miner - The way in which some cryptocurrencies are produced is by people mining them and an ASIC Miner is a computer that has been designed so that it only ever mines for cryptocurrencies.
ASIC - An ASIC is a chip in a computer or CPU that has been designed in such a way that it is only ever going to be able to perform one single function only and only ever performs that one function.
Hard Fork - A Hard Fork is the name given when there has been a change in regards to the protocol used for any one single cryptocurrency, the nodes for that Hard Fork will also need changing too.
Gwei - When you are performing for example Ethereum trades then there is a gas price for doing so and they tend to be measured in a denomination of Ether which is commonly known as Gwei.
Gas - When you perform transactions using a digital currency then Gas refers to the processing required to perform that transactions which is then charged to the user of that cryptocurrency.
Fiat Currency - Every country of the world will have its own Fiat Currency, and that is simply the currency that has been chosen to be legal tender in that country to buy goods or pay for services.
Cryptography - The term Cryptography is one you will often hear in the cryptocurrency environment and it simple the process of using codes and ciphers to encrypt and also to decrypt information.
Algorithm - To solve a range of different problems an algorithm can be devised which will enable anyone to be able to solve such a problem in a fast and efficient way with no errors or mistakes.
Airdrop - An airdrop is a unique way of sending a cryptocurrency to the people living in one or more countries and distributing the coins amongst those citizens it as a method devised in 2014.
KYC - There is a requirement for businesses, banks and companies to be aware of their customers when performing financial transactions with then and that process is Know Your Customer or KYC.
Deepweb - The Deepweb refers to a part on the world wide web that is never indexed by search engines, and as such the content found on that part of the web is hard to find and often illegal.
DDoS Attack - As mentioned above a DDoS Attack is a target attack that is often performed for a financial gain by the perpetrators on any type of website or web service and is completely illegal.
DDoS - This term means Distributed Denial of Service which is an organised and targeted cyber attack used to completely tie up the resources of a website or any type of web service.
Dapp - The term Dapp simply refers to the decentralised way in which the blockchain application exits and they have proven to offer a 100% uptime and are therefore highly reliable.
Double Spending - When someone is guilty of Double Spending they have tried to spend the same Bitcoin twice, the whole mining and blockchain system is in place to prevent someone doing so.
Cold Storage - When you want to keep your cryptocurrency holdings offline and safe then you put them into cold storage which could be using a QR Code or storing them on a USB Drive.
AML - To stop the possibility of anyone or any organisation laundering money many countries have adopted their own unique set of AML’s which simply means anti money laundering laws.
Public Key - In order for you to receive a cryptocurrency to your digital currency wallet you must give to the person sending them to you a string of numbers and letters known as your public key.
Proof of Work - You will find that proof or work simply is the mining algorithm Bitcoin uses and it is a ledger of sorts that allows you or anyone else to determine who signed a blockchain transaction.
Proof of Stake - This is simple an alternative to the Proof of Work concept and as such it is simply a method for deciding who signs any type of transaction hat is performed on a blockchain.
Proof of Existence - This is the name given to a service that you will find on offer via blockchain that allows people to securely store any document online and prove that it was stored at a certain time.
Proof of Burn - When you burn a cryptocurrency you are simply exchanging it for another cryptocurrency and is a way that one coin can be turned into another quickly and easily.
Output - The are only a handful of different transactions you can perform when using a digital currency and one of them is an output which is the instruction given to send any cryptocurrency.
OTC Exchange - There is no need for you to make the use of a digital currency exchange to buy or sell cryptocurrencies for you can perform an over the counter exchange with people you know.
Off Blockchain Transactions - When two people want to exchange large volumes of digital currencies they can do that off-block as by doing so they are performed much quicker and with no delays.
Mixing Service - This is a process whereby someone who may be wishing to cover their tracks in regards to cryptocurrencies will mix their funds in with others and move it around to several wallets.
MACD - This is quite a technical term used by traders in digital assets that shows the relationship of the average prices of any two digital assets its full name is Moving Average Convergence Divergence
Margin Trading - When someone is margin trading what they are doing for all intents and purposes is borrowing money in the hope they can repay those borrowings and also make a profit too.
DAO - DAO refers to the Decentralised Autonomous Organizations, which in layman’s terms simply means the blockchain technology that exists without the need for human intervention.
Block Explorer - If you want to find out which cryptocurrencies are available and learn more about their transaction history and values then you will use a Block Explorer type of search engine.
FOMO - Many people who have not yet invested in any cryptocurrency often gets a FOMO, that being a fear of missing out on something that could be rewarding in a financial sense of the word.
Whitepaper - This is the name that is given to a guide or a report that is going to allow you to find out what any digital currency has been designed for and what uses it will have when launched.
Wallet - For you to be able to store and buy or sell and move your digital currencies around you are going to have to get something known as a wallet which is where those transactions are made.
SPV - This is the term that refers to Simplified Payment Verification and it has been designed to allow people to pay for goods using a mobile device without downloading the blockchain.
QR Code - This is also known as a Quick Response code, and are simply a barcode on which you will find they have data encoded into them which allows a mobile phone to read and act on them.
Open Source - The term open source simply means that the source code for any piece of computer software is known and readily accessible and as such it can be distributed and changed by anyone.
NFC - This is a term you may come across as someone who uses any digital currencies but if you do come across is then it simply means Near Field Communication a low power wireless network.
Vanity Address - A Vanity Address is a group of words that are going to be unique to you and will allow you to access certain parts of your digital wallet and your cryptocurrencies too.
Laundry - This is a process whereby someone who may be wishing to cover their tracks in regards to cryptocurrencies will mix their funds in with others and move it around to several wallets.
Kimoto Gravity Well - This is a technical term that many people cannot get their heads around but in very layman’s terms it is a readjustment algorithm that is used when mining of cryptocurrencies.
Fork - When you hear the term Fork being used that simply means that there has been a split in a cryptocurrency that has required some form of a new updated version of it becoming available
EEA - This is the name given to the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance which is basically a collection of start-ups and corporations that tries and works out how to get something up and running smoothly.
Dust Transactions - Any transactions that are so small in value and size that are detected by the network they are going to be considered spam and are never relayed around the network.
Bitcoin QT - To enable you to operate a digital wallet something known as the Bitcoin QT is available as an open source software that simply turns your computer into a node on the network.
Bitcoin JS - To allow anyone who is a developer to be able to use Bitcoin and its many additional features such as digital wallets an online Bitcoin JS java script code is available to developers.
Address - To be able to send a cryptocurrency from one wallet to another you need to know the address of the wallet you are sending them to which is a string or alphanumeric characters.
Ticker Symbols
CNX - Ticker symbols usually either three or four character long and the one for Cryptonex is CNX.
SMART - To buy any cryptocurrency you need to know its symbol and the one for SMART is SMART.
WAX - Is the symbol that is associated with the digital currency that is WAX currency.
FUN - Funfair is a popular cryptocurrency and to buy it you need to look for the FUN symbol.
ZCL - You are going to find plenty of different ticker symbols but ZCL is the one for Classic.
KNC - It is the cryptocurrency that is Kyber Network is the one that uses the KNC ticker symbol.
IOST - You can buy the digital currency IOStoken from many exchanges and its ticker symbol is IOST.
VERI - If it’s Veritaseum that you are looking for the value of look out for the VERI ticker.
WTC - It won’t surprise you to learn that the cryptocurrency that uses the ticker WTC is Walton.
0x - The 0x cryptocurrency is the one that has been designated the ZEX ticket symbol.
DOGE - You will find that it is the Dogecoin digital currency that has the unique ticket symbol DOGE.
WAVES - There is a ticker symbol for every cryptocurrency and WAVES is the one for Waves.
MKR - When you come across the ticker symbol MKR that is the one associated with Maker
REP - Every single cryptocurrency has its own ticker symbol and the one for Augur is REP.
SNT - If you want to buy or sell Status then the ticker symbol you will use to do so is SNT.
ARDR - The ticker symbol for the Ardor cryptocurrency you will need to use when buying it is ARDR.
BCN - You can buy the digital currency Bytecoin from many exchanges and its ticker symbol is BCN.
BTS - If it’s BitShares that you are looking for the value of look out for the BTS ticker.
STRAT - It won’t surprise you to learn that the cryptocurrency that uses the ticker STRAT is Stratis.
BNB - The Binance Coin cryptocurrency is the one that has been designated the BNB ticket symbol.
XVG - You will find that it is the Verge digital currency that has the unique ticket symbol XVG.
STEEM - There is a ticker symbol for every cryptocurrency and STEEM is the one for STEEM.
USDT - When you come across the ticker symbol USDT that is the one associated with Tether.
XRB - Every single cryptocurrency has its own ticker symbol and the one for RaiBlocks is XRB.
OMG - If you want to buy or sell OmiseGO then the ticker symbol you will use to do so is OMG.
PPT - The ticker symbol for the Populous Cryptocurrency you will need to use when buying it is PPT.
KNC - It’s up to you which currency you use and the ticker symbol for Kyber Network is KNC.
AE - You’ll find the cryptocurrency Aeternity is available at lots of exchanges and it symbol is AE.
GNT - The unique ticker symbol that is used by digital currency exchanges to identify Golem is GNT.
GAS - Another cryptocurrency you may fancy using or buying is Gas and its ticket symbol is GAS.
ELF - Ticker symbols usually either three or four character long and the one for aelf is ELF.
QASH - To buy any cryptocurrency you need to know its symbol and the one for QASH is QASH.
GBYTE - Is the symbol that is associated with the digital currency that is Byteball Bytes currency.
BAT - Basic Attention is a popular cryptocurrency and to buy it you need to look for the BAT symbol.
DGB - You are going to find plenty of different ticker symbols but DGB is the one for DigiByte.
PIVX - It is the cryptocurrency that is PIVX is the one that uses the PIVX indentifying ticker symbol.
LSK - You can buy the digital currency Lisk from many exchanges and its ticker symbol is LSK.
ETC - If it’s Ethereum Classic that you are looking for the value of look out for the ETC ticker.
QTUM - It won’t surprise you to learn that the cryptocurrency that uses the ticker QTUM is QTUM.
ICX - The ICON cryptocurrency is the one that has been designated the ICX ticket symbol.
BTG - You will find that it is the BitoinGold digital currency that has the unique ticket symbol BTG.
VEN - There is a ticker symbol for every individual cryptocurrency and VEN is the one for VeChain.
TRX - When you come across the ticker symbol TRX that is the one associated with TRON.
XMR - Every single cryptocurrency has its own ticker symbol and the one for Monero is XMR.
DASH - If you want to buy or sell DASH then the ticker symbol you will use to do so is DASH.
IOTA - The ticker symbol for the IOTSA cryptocurrency you will need to use when buying it is IOTA.
DRGN - It’s up to you which digital currency you use and the ticker symbol for Dragonchain is DRGN.
DCN - You’ll find the cryptocurrency Dentacoin is available at lots of exchanges and it symbol is DCN.
LRC - The unique ticker symbol that is used by digital currency exchanges to identify Loopring is LRC.
DCR - Another cryptocurrency you may fancy using or buying is Decred and its ticket symbol is DCR.
RHOC - Ticker symbols are either three or four character long and the one for RChain is RHOC.
HSR - To buy any cryptocurrency you need to know its symbol and the one for Hshare is HSR.
KMD - Is the ticker symbol that is associated with the digital currency that is Komodo currency.
ARK - Ark is a reasonably popular cryptocurrency and to buy it you need to look for the ARK symbol.
ETN - You are going to find plenty of different ticker symbols but ETN is the one for Electroneum.
KCS - The cryptocurrency that is KuCoin Shares is the one that uses the KCS ticker symbol.
XEM - You can buy the digital currency NEM from many exchanges and its ticker symbol is XEM.
EOS - If it’s EOS that you are looking for the value of and to buy then look out for the EOS ticker.
NEO - It may not surprise you to learn that the cryptocurrency that uses the ticker NEO is NEO.
LTC - The Litecoin cryptocurrency is the one that has been designated the LTC ticket symbol.
XLM - You will find that it is the Stellar Digital Currency that has the unique ticket symbol XLM.
ADA - There is a ticker symbol for every individual cryptocurrency and ADA is the one for Cardano.
BCH - you come across the ticker symbol BCH that is the one associated with Bitcoin Cash.
XRP - Every single cryptocurrency has its own ticker symbol and the one for Ripple is XRP.
ETH - If you want to buy or sell Ethereum then the ticker symbol you will use to do so is ETH.
BTC - The ticker symbol for the Bitcoin cryptocurrency you will need to use when buying it is BTC.