As portion of its digital transformation plan, the United States Department of Defense (DoD) is developing blockchain based systems for cybersecurity. In its four-year blueprint titled “DoD Digital Modernization Strategy: DoD Information Resource Management Strategic Plan FY19–23” and published on July 12, the DoD unveiled plans for implementation of blockchain technology.
According to the document, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), which is the research division of the DoD, is presently involved in a minimum of two exploratory blockchain initiatives centered on cybersecurity. To begin with, DARPA will use blockchain to build a fresh, or enhanced, system for transaction and communication.
Communications between divisions and head offices and also between intelligence agencies and the Pentagon are declared targets for this system.
Secondly, DARPA tries to produce an “unhackable system” with blockchain technology, mentioning the capacity of blockchain to collect intel on hackers trying to access databases. In February, DARPA revealed its intention to organize a two-day blockchain conference.
DARPA was especially eager to examine protocols of trustless consent. The organization also observed that in data storage there were possibly significant areas of use for blockchain, stating:
“Technologies for distributed consensus protocols have been revolutionized by their prominent role in cryptocurrency and blockchain technologies. These technologies have dramatic implications for the security and resilience of critical data storage and computation tasks, including for the Department of Defense.”
DoD representatives studied in December 2018 how blockchain technology could assist respond to catastrophes in a demonstration organized by the Continuous Process Improvement division of the Defense Logistics Agency Troop Support.